Monday, October 28, 2019

Myths about psychologists

In this case, any phenomenon, acquiring such a scale, often loses its depth. Having read the popular books such as "Psychoanalysis inthe comic books," many, for example, half-baked students psihfak are very surprised that everything is much more complicated and that psychology, in fact, science, and is not as simple as it seems.

Psychologist - this is not quite what is shown in movies, especially American.

Psychologist way or another has to do with "abnormal" people. A normal, healthy person to a psychologist will not go. One of the most popular myths.

First of all, the psychologist, by definition, deals with healthy people who have certain difficulties and problems. With mental health problems has to do a doctor, a psychiatrist. It is a medical specialty. Psychologists have no medical training and did not even have the right to treat.

As for the separation of a psychologist and psychotherapist, it is not so obvious. However, we can say that the therapist has to deal with more complex cases, the deep psychological trauma, personality problems. Psychotherapy involves a deeper and more long-term work, in the course of which can quite dramatically change the inner world of the client.

Psychologist as soon consults, dealing with a special cases, it gives recommendations (e.g., psychologist with the customer may turn out a reception list to help relax or, conversely, to concentrate and m. P.). However, in our country as long as this division is rather arbitrary. And the work, which began as a consultation, may develop into a serious and long-term psychotherapy.

"Shrink" and "psychologist" - is the same. The myth comes from foreign films.

In fact, these words - not synonymous. Psychoanalysis - just one of the areas in psychology with its principles and the specifics of the work. It is the work of the psychoanalyst you see when you see how a person lies down on the couch and begins to talk about themselves. Incidentally, the couch, though traditionally considered an attribute of psychoanalysis, but modern psychoanalysts have not always use it.

Besides psychoanalysis, there are several areas (approaches) in psychology, in which psychologists may work: Gestahl psychology, cognitive psychology, existential psychology, etc. Each approach their principles, methods of work and so on...

 The task of the psychologist - as soon as possible to understand the customer's problem, give the right advice, and for that he, of course, must have extensive experience.

To some extent, this also depends on the approach that works psi, but it can be argued that the task of the psychologist - not to give advice. Generally, the psychologist does not understand the customer's problem and solve it. It should help the person to create the conditions so that he did it - figured out a decision.

No one better than the man himself may not know the best solution to your problem, but it prevents too much to find him. That specialist task - to create the best conditions for the client to work with yourself. And this work is not easy.

The perception of the psychologist as a wizard who will solve all problems, one of the most persistent myths. Because our people are still so fond of all sorts of other psychics and magicians - a promise for all at once.

With regard to the experience of life, the time a psychologist does not give advice, it is not necessary to be in the same situations as the client. Quite the contrary - it may hinder rather: the psychologist can begin to transfer its own problem on the customer problem. If we talk about the experience, it is likely to be much useful experience in solving problems, one way or another, as the ownership of this mechanism.

 The psychologist should not be a problem, otherwise how can he be a psychologist and how it can help others ?!

Psychologist - not God. It may be there are problems. The only thing that is required of a good specialist is aware of their concerns, keep them under control, to keep track of time, if the problems get in the way of effective work with the client. To do this in a good psychologist must periodically undergo personal psychotherapy itself.

 Good psychologist, after a short communication is a psychological portrait of the interlocutor.

The task of the psychologist - not to understand the client's life and help him to sort out his life. Because it does not have this problem - as something to identify client's problem or his personality type. This hanging tags, one might even say, issues just are not very good specialist. After all, the assignment itself person to a particular type or definition of a certain level does little to address the real problem.

And do not confuse a psychologist with a clairvoyant.

 Each person - the psychologist, only some have a degree, but some do not.

If we assume that informal conversation in the kitchen psychological help - it may be ... And, perhaps, in the conversation of good friends there are elements of psychological work. If it is, of course, is not the instruction of the type "a wise friend's advice."

However, the specificity of professional work that he is doing it consciously, more deeply understand the processes occurring during the interaction, and therefore - manages this process. In this sense, it is more effective professional.

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